
The collections of our library are mainly composed of materials in the humanities and social sciences.
We collect, organize, and serve the following materials: Books in general and periodicals, non-book materials, such as e-books, audio books, and videos, as well as specialized materials on specific topics(parliamentary, legal, ecology, international business), etc.


(As of June 2024)

Material Volumes Remark
Language Discipline
Books Monographs 274273
  • Korean (88.62%) 1712992
  • English (10.82%) 209206
  • Japanese (0.3%) 5891
  • Others (0.25%) 4833
  • Social sciences (32.57%) 629514
  • Humanities (26.05%) 503550
  • Pure and applied sciences (41.38%) 799858
Theses 1658649
Subtotal 1932922    
Non-books e-Books 5000    
Audio books 225    
Videos 1620    
Others 185    
Subtotal 7030    
Periodicals 169
  • Domestic 148
  • Foreign 21
Total 1940126  

Digital Contents(Subscription)

(As of June 2024)

Digital Contents
e-Books Audio books WEB DB e-Newspapers Total
131640 3625 5 24 135294
  • Material Status

  • Discipline Status

  • Digital Contents Status

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